Thursday, July 9, 2009


I took Rocky to the vet on Tuesday becouse he's had this bum leg that was starting to swell. We figured we would have to have the leg removed. Instead we found out that he had a tumor. The tumor had completely eaten the bone in his leg and had spread to the lungs. I went and pulled the kids out of summer school and they came and said goodbye to Rocky. Randy and I stayed in the room while they put him to sleep.
He was a great dog and we will miss him alot.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July/Jason's Baptism

This was a very full day. We started the day at the ward pancake feed. They had the flag ceremony and after breakfast lowered the flag and retired it and then raised the new flag.

Retiring the flag.

Another milestone. Jason was baptized today.

When Jeff confirmed him on Sunday he was given an incredible blessing. There is something really special about this boy.
After his baptism we had a Bar-B-Que. Grandpa and Grandma Whittle came. It was such a nice evening we pulled all the chairs outside and enjoyed the summer evening.
They moved the fireworks show from the Park to the High School. From the time we got home (around 7) and for about 2 hours there was a steady stream of cars and people going by the house. The football field is just a hop and a skip from the house.

Brenda was sick all day and spent all her time laying down.
When it got dark enough I took the kids (except Brenda - Jeff stayed home with her.) and we walked down and enjoyed the fireworks. Jeff said they could see some of it from the house.


Court of Honor

Kevin lead the flag ceremony.
Kevin got his First Class Rank.

Randy got his Second Class Rank and his First Class Rank.
Todd got his Scout Rank.
Kevin leading the pack in the scout oath.

Jason turns 8!

Wow, it's hard to believe that my baby is eight years old.

Jason, you are a great joy to our family. We love you very much. Happy Birthday.

Celebrating the Pioneers

It tried to started to rain on us and the festivities broke up. As we were leaving there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

Look who's first in line. It's our bottomless pit.

Randy doing his best to look completely bored and uncooperative.
Todd gives Emma Schick a ride.
The other Schick and the Schurger kids occupied themselves my chasing and tackeling Kevin.

Eric gets Lucky!

It's a great shot.

Flowers in Bloom

Jeff gets it one last time!

Upholding the tradition Jeff was pied in the face, the last day of school, at Arcadia. Jeff was transfered to one of the Yoke's in Spokane. We are staying in Deer Park and he is making the commute. When they transfered him he made sure they would let him come back for his last pieing.

You can kind of see the poster in the background. The kids signed it to give to Jeff. It say's Thank You Mr. Whittle. It's hanging on the wall in his new office. He says it covers the whole wall.