Deer Park has a Settler's Day Parade every July around the end of the month. It is the oldest parade in the state of Washington. This year is it's 100th year. It has 3 phases. The first is for children and starts must further along the route than the rest of the parade. Our Primary had their activity as part of the parade. The second phase is the political candidates. It's long and boring! This is an election year so it was realllllly long and realllllly boring. The third phase is the actual parade. The whole thing is about 2 hours long. Todd, Brenda and Jason walked with the primary and then came back and watched the rest of the parade and collected as much candy as they could. This is the Deer Park float. It won 1st place in 7 or 8 different parades it was in. Jeff, Amanda and Kevin were with the Yokes float, not pictured anywhere, and passed out frozen otter pops. My camera wasn't charged all the way and went dead before they got to me. Randy and Eric didn't make the parade this year. Eric was in Wyoming at Martin's Cove with the Priests and Randy was at Priest Lake with the Teachers. Amanda and Kevin got back from their camps before the parade.
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