Randy is home. Randy is back to school. He is still very limited in what activities he can do and if he tries to do to much he gets headaches. We still don't know if he will need surgery on his ear but I'll let you know when I do. To look at him you can't tell anything is wrong. All the injuries were internal.

Randy's first trip out of his room. This little nurse pushed him around the hospital and outside. It was quite comical.
They were a little worried about Randy's appitite in the hospital. He wouldn't eat until I got to the hospital and then made him eat. It turned out that he just didn't like the food. When we got home he was eating like normal -everything he could get in his mouth.
Charlie Buynak and Jordan Powell came and spent the day with Randy. They played video games and watched movies. He also had Jessica and Sarah come and visit (the balloon is from Jessica). Jordan is the driver of the car Randy jumped on and the other kids were in the car when the accident happened.
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